Belleza Trailblazer: Stephanie Flor

One look at Stephanie Flor’s schedule and it’s apparent that she is a mujer on the go. If the 25-year-old celebrity makeup artist isn’t en Nueva York, Los Angeles, or Miami, then she may be backstage at fashion weeks around the world or on photo shoots with the likes of Mariah Carey and Kathy Griffin. Her work has appeared in Latina, InStyle and Glamour, and she documents it all on her popular website, Around the World Beauty, where she dispenses everything from makeup tips to documentaries about beauty ideals across the globe.

Women with schedules half as hectic as Stephanie’s find it hard to stay healthy and fit -- so how does Stephanie do it all with her whirlwind schedule?

"It sounds clichéd, but it’s all about balance," says Flor. "I’m studying the Indian science of Ayurveda, which promotes balance in all aspects of life, from your beauty routine to your diet.”

Flor's diet is a healthy mix of her favorite comfort foods and healthy juices. And when it comes to staying in shape, Flor is enviably fit. She builds exercise time into her schedule by being "a multi-tasking fiend. I hit the gym three to four times a week, and I always do double-duty,” she says. “So if I'm on the stair climber, I'm also on my iPad reading about India or an exotic beauty ritual."

Motivating Latinas to Start a New Beginning

It’s easy to envy Karen Hoyos. The celebrity life coach and author is a red carpet regular, attending such fantastico events as the Grammys and Oscars. She's stunningly gorgeous and travels the globe on humanitarian missions for the U.N. Plus, as a self-help guru, she has reached over 40 million people through her seminars, TV appearances, articles and products.

But life wasn't always shiny for the Colombiana mom of twin boys. Growing up, her family life was unstable with a physically abusive father. Later, she married a violent man who consistently beat and belittled her. He even threatened to kill her. Karen finally got the courage to leave Colombia and start a new beginning when she found out she was pregnant. Arriving in the U.S. with only her growing belly, Karen leaned on her faith in God that things would get better. And they quickly did. 

One fateful day, she attended a seminar by renowned motivational guru Anthony Robbins. Says Karen, “I heard a voice in my heart that said, ‘Karen, this is what you are going to do for the rest of your life. You will carry a message of transformation, starting with your Latino community and then you will spread it across the world.’”

Karen hit the ground running. Today she shares her inspiring story via global seminars, writings and TV appearances, and through Kids for a New Planet, her foundation for abused children in Latin America and Africa.

Her message is one of forgiveness and service: "Forgive others, because they can only give you what they have. Forgive yourself, because it was all part of a perfect plan for your personal evolution. Help others and accept that you are in this world to be happy.”

Mi Cuerpo, a Winter Wonderland

After Lindsay Lopez, a professional dancer who worked in feature films, injured her back, she discovered Pilates and rehabilitated herself to start a whole new beginning. In time, Lindsay became intrigued by how dramatically the discipline could change bodies. So she studied it and became a certified Pilates instructor.

Today, Lopez is committed to helping Latinas stay positive, healthy and fit, especially during the colder months. Here, she shares easy-to-follow exercise tips -- plus ways to stay motivated.

Be consistent
It’s la llave to staying fit, according to Lopez. "Even a little bit of Pilates is better than none," she says.Sometimes I find myself bagging a workout when I don't have a full hour. While the traditional Pilates session should be 55 minutes, even a good 10 to 15 minutes can make a difference.

“Next time you're strapped for time, just get down on the floor and do these three simple Pilates moves,” Lopez suggests. “You'll stand taller, feel better and be more motivated to work out the next time!"

Lopez recommends these three Pilates moves for getting a leaner, longer body pronto.

  • The Hundred: Lie flat on your back on your mat. Draw your knees to your chest and curl your head, neck and shoulders off the mat. Bring your legs into a 90 degree angle and reach your arms long by your side. With your arms very straight, begin pumping them up and down like wings. Inhale for five pumps, then exhale for five pumps. Ten sets of 10 make the 100 from this move’s name. The whole time pull your abs in and up. Want even more of a challenge? Extend your legs 45 degrees or lower.
  • The Spine Stretch Forward: Sit with your legs extended out in front of you just wider than the width of your mat. Flex your feet and bend your knees until you can feel your Sitz bones on the mat. Reach your arms out in front of you and inhale to sit tall. Then exhale as you articulate your spine forward one vertebrae at a time until your head reaches between your knees and your arms reach toward your toes. Then inhale to return your spine upright and repeat four more times.

  • Standing Chest Expansion: Standing upright, bring your feet together (either parallel or with your heels together and your toes two fingers apart). Make sure your shoulders are stacked over your ribs, and ribs over hips. Reach your arms out front and, as you inhale, reach them behind your back, fingertips pointing towards the floor behind your heels. Look to the right, to the left, then center, exhaling as you return your arms out front. Repeat, looking left first then right. Do two sets total. Remember to keep your abs pulled in and up and open your collarbone wide.

Photo: Corbis Images

Yanira Garza’s Rules for the Stylish Mom

For stylist and fashion blogger Yanira Garza, looking fabulous is a way of life. But as a busy mom, she knows how quickly one can fall into the “wear-whatever’s-clean” rut.

Describing her style as “classic, chic, and comfortable,” Garza says, "I'm not very 'trendy'. I live in jeans because they’re just easy, but before I walk out the door I jazz it up. I grab a blazer, a bright lipstick and throw on a pair of thigh high flat boots and instantly I'm the 'cool' mom. The holidays are no different. I just add more jewelry."

With the holiday season and all of its parties upon us, Yanira shares her top tips for staying bien vestida and adding “to-go” flair:

1. Minimize

With everything going on, the last thing you need is to feel overwhelmed by a closet full of clothes. Pull 20 to 30 of your favorite pieces out of your closet -- from dresses to pants to sweaters and tops -- and wear only those pieces for the next 30 days. Not only will dressing be simpler, you’ll also get creative by mixing pieces you never thought you would wear together.


2. Comfort doesn't mean conform

Five-inch heels may be a thing of the past for busy moms, but flats should never be boring. Choose a leopard print pair, which match surprisingly well with everything. Consider flat ankle booties too -- they work with skirts and they’re easy to dress up.

3. Get festive

Sparkle is always a hit during the holidays. Spice up your accessories by adding a big cocktail ring, a statement necklace or rhinestone drop earrings, which will work with your dressier wardrobe pieces. But try pairing them with denim too -- you’ll be instantly transformed from frumpy mom to glam mom.

Leticia Vélez on Success: Keep It by Giving It Away

In 2004, Leticia "Letty" Vélez (pictured center) started her transportation company, Chicago Mini Bus Travel, with just 10 buses. Within the first year she had doubled the fleet, bringing in over 2 million dollars in sales. Today it is the largest mini bus company in the Chicago area.

What’s the secret behind her impressive success? Letty’s amazing drive, intense focus and her vision to create a strong management team with a strategic plan for growth would be a solid foundation for any business. However, she credits her dedication to giving back to la comunidad by mentoring and connecting with other Latinas for taking Chicago Mini Bus to the next level.

She told PBS’ To The Contrary: “I think mentoring is key. If I meet someone and I see some type of relationship building there and I see that they have so much knowledge, I need that mentoring. I’m not shy anymore and I ask for assistance because I need that.”

This rare ability to recognize gaps in her own knowledge -- and the even rarer ability to reach out and ask for help -- gives her unique insight into the importance of giving back. She goes on to say: “…as Hispanic women, we’re the backbone of the Hispanic community.... We’re creating the future.”

This veteran businesswoman is a true example of a mujer con la falda bien puesta. Her incredible dedication to philanthropy and involvement in the community paves the way for countless future Latina businesswomen. The rewards for Letty Vélez are innumerable. The bonds she’s forged with her employees, fellow entrepreneurs and her community are priceless.