How to Nail an Interview

When you’re trying to get hired, it all comes down to one thing: the interview. Follow the advice from these experts to land the job of your sueños.

Get Glammed
Wear makeup to accentuate your best features, but don’t overdo it, advises Barbara DesChamps, an image consultant in Nevada City, Calif. Apply foundation to even out skin tones. Use eyeliner, mascara and lipstick to define and complement your features. If your hair tends to get frizzy, get a blow-out the day before. A manicure is a must.

Dress to Impress
Even if you are applying for an entry-level administrative position, dress as if you want to be the CEO, advises Samantha Ettus, a personal branding expert in NYC. This means wearing a business suit and minimal -- but flattering -- jewelry. Complete your look with a pair of pumps.

Do Your Research
Research the employer, their products, their competition and their industry before your interview. After all, you want a career with this company, not just a regular 9 to 5.

Ace Your Interview
Before you meet your potential boss, pop a breath mint first. Shake hands firmly and smile. Highlight your previous achievements and illustrate how you can contribute to the company, suggests Ronald Kaufman, author Anatomy of Success.

Keep Your Cool
If you feel an attack of nervios coming on, gently fold your hands in your lap. Listen carefully to the interviewer and only answer the questions asked of you; don’t reveal personal information or give long-winded answers.