Giselle Achecar: The Latina Eco-edutainer

Giselle Achecar, the founder of Eco-Rico, a green lifestyle website, has a funny way of making the most mundane activities -- like recycling and sipping wine -- seem fun.
The high-energy guru of eco-living advocates for La Madre Tierra with the flair of a television animadora. But Achecar doesn’t just offer fun tips to greenify our lives. She also developed “Marrying Your Passion With Your Purpose,” a program that draws a clear path to self-discovery and fulfillment. Achecar shares how we too can manifest our eco-destines.
Clean House
“Rid yourself of toxic relationships and situations that prevent you from feeling good about yourself,” says the fiery Puertoriqueña. Bad dynamics and unhealthy people are all-consuming distractions that not only erode your self-esteem, but also clog your ability to figure out who you are and what you want.
A Daily Ritual of Gratitude
You’ve got to be grateful for where you are today in order to get where you want to be tomorrow. “Wake up every morning and say ‘Gracias.’” Stay positiva by giving thanks in advance for the good you will receive. “Gratitude equals abundance,” says Achecar. And when we’re feeling abundant, helping others and caring for el planeta comes naturally.
Ask questions about yourself, including who you are and what you want. “What lights your fire and keeps you focused? What are your hobbies? Think back to those moments when you lost yourself in doing something,” she says. The answers to these questions will lead you to your passion, your purpose, and the life you always wanted to live.